How to Understand Circuits
What is "Understanding"?
In order to understand circuits, first we have to reveal the basic ideas on which they are built. But what is actually meant by "understanding"? What is the difference between "analyze" and "understand"?
Analysis consists in applying mainly formal methods, while understanding - in heuristics. So that understanding electronic circuits consists in analyzing them by heuristic means. To understand a circuit is to recognize the basic idea on which it is built, and this fundamental idea is represented by a block diagram and an algorithm of action. Basic ideas are not necessarily electrical and are independent of their particular circuit implementations. The element base (tubes, transistors, op-amps) is constantly changing, but the fundamental ideas remain; they are immortal... they are eternal!
Technology of Understanding
In the process of understanding unknown electronic circuits, five stages can be distinguished: analyzing the structure of the circuit, analyzing the circuit operation, recognizing known basic circuit principles, searching for a similar idea in other circuits or life situations, summarizing the results in a new circuit principle. Here, they are separated for methodological purposes, but in most cases in practice they are performed simultaneously.
The understanding technology is illustrated below with an example circuit of op-amp inverting summer.
Stage I: Analyzing the circuit structure
Stage II: Analyzing the circuit operation
Preparing the circuit to analyze its operation
Drawn in its conventional compact form, the analyzed circuit is easy to remember but not easy to understand. Therefore, we need to enrich it with additional elements that will help us to realize it better. For this purpose:
- Connect the input sources (voltage or current depending on the circuit) to the circuit inputs. Instead of AC sources with unclear (at a given moment) polarity, it is better to use DC sources with known value and polarity (preferably positive at the beginning). Thus, we can take a momentary "picture" of the electrical quantities in the circuit.
- Connect the load to the circuit output (preferably with ohmic resistance).
- Connect the power supplies to the circuit.
- Assume that circuit components are ideal: operational amplifiers have an infinitely large gain, negligible input currents and bias voltages, negligible output resistance; transistors do not have base current (when this is permissible) and threshold voltage UBE0; their characteristic is linear; the resistance of the resistors does not depend on the temperature; the capacitors do not leak; the double elements are completely symmetric (they have no difference in parameters), etc. In short, we forget about the device imperfections elements and leave all these problems for the following quantitative analysis.
- Use precisely the imperfections of electronic devices (this is actually the popular inventive principle of "turning harm into good" or "blessing in disguise"). Examples: the temperature influence on the resistance of resistors; the VBE voltage of the transistor PN junction; use of the "harmful" forward voltage drop VF of PN junction as a reference voltage, use of the base current IB of the transistor as a compensating input current of an operational amplifier, etc. In these cases, the imperfections of electronic devices are deliberately enhanced and attention is focused on them.
- Prepare the studied circuit (before starting the mental experiments) for the next application of the visualized electrical quantities. For this purpose, we drawn it in a spatial ("geometric") form: the positive sources are located above, and the negative - below the "zero" line; the resistors on which potential diagrams will be imposed are "stretched"; an appropriate circuit topology is chosen so that the current loops do not cross much, etc.
- Visualize the invisible electrical quantities by superimposing voltage and current pictures on the circuit diagram:
- Represent voltages by bars in red (association with pressure, energy), the height of which is proportional to the voltages across the corresponding elements.
- Represent currents by closed lines (loops) in green or blue color (association with water flow), the thickness of which is proportional to the current magnitude.
Exploring the circuit
We can explore the circuit operation by mentally applying input signals and imagining what its response is. In order to get a qualitative idea of analog circuits, in most cases three levels of the input signals (zero, positive and negative) are completely sufficient, and for digital ones - two levels corresponding to logical "0" and logical "1". So, we can explore the circuit in the following sequence:
STEP 1. We assume that, at the first moment, the input signals applied to the circuit are equal to zero. At this initial state, we try to get an idea of what the voltages at the individual circuit points, the voltages across the elements and the currents in the individual branches of the circuit are. Then we draw the pictures of voltages and currents.
For example, in the circuit of the op-amp inverting summer, at zero input voltages VIN1 and VIN2, all voltages and currents inside the circuit are also zero.
Input change. For example, in the circuit of the op-amp inverting summer, we change the input voltage V1 with a jump. As a result, its voltage bar stretches instantly upwards. We (playing the role of the operational amplifier A) are surprised and cannot react at first; as a result, the compensating voltage bar VS remains of zero length. The input source VIN1 passes current I1 through the circuit VIN1-R1, which then diverts through the circuit R2-VIN2 (the source V2 at the first moment is a consumer!), R-VS and finally returns back to where it started. We draw the trajectories of these currents with the corresponding thicknesses and indicate with arrows the current directions.
Restoring the equilibrium. By "sucking" more and more of the current I1, the source VS "pulls" the voltage at point A down until it is zeroed. Thus, there are two grounds in the circuit - real and virtual, the difference in the voltages of which we read with the zero indicator I. At the end of this process, the source VS diverts the entire current I1 through itself and its loop thickens to the value I1 = VIN1/R1.
STEP 3. Now we restore the input signal to the initial zero position and then change it with a jump in the opposite negative direction. We re-examine the reaction of the circuit to this new impact, trying to imagine how the voltages and currents change in the individual points and branches of the circuit. For the sake of good understanding, we redraw the diagram so that it corresponds to the new polarity.
In our example circuit of an inverting summer, we plot the input voltage VIN 1 below the "zero voltage line". The voltage drop on the resistor R and the compensating voltage VS become positive - that is why we draw them above the "zero voltage line". Finally, we reverse the arrows of the current loops because the currents change their direction.
STEP 5. We can deep the research by simultaneously changing several input signals or circuit parameters. In practice, we are most often limited to two quantities, which change in the same direction (common mode) or in opposite directions (differential mode).
Stage III: Seeing known basic circuit principles
We continue our understanding of the circuit by trying to recognize in it components implementing some of the known basic circuit principles. To do this, we mark (for example, circle) and label the groups of circuit sub-devices and elements corresponding to the generalized elements of the block diagram that represents the corresponding principle. We draw the block diagram and make the connection with the corresponding elements of the specific circuit diagram.
Stage IV: Looking for a similar idea in other circuits and life situations
If we cannot see a basic circuit principle (from the collection of principles), we start looking for similar features in the operation (behavior) of other electronic circuits. For this we need to process a sufficient number of circuits. Each finding of similarity strengthens our confidence in the existence of a common universal principle.
If we cannot find similar ideas in electronic circuits, we start looking for similarity in different life situations (analogies).
Stage V. Summarizing the results into a new principle
If we cannot find a basic circuit engineering principle, then we try to formulate a new one by summarizing the results of the research (it is essential not only to understand how the particular circuit works, but also to expand the set of tools for understanding new electronic circuits):
- Try to find commonalities in the operation of the investigated device and other already known electronic devices.
- Look for commonality in the action of this set of electronic devices and life analogies from the surrounding reality.
- Summarize the observations in another principle and add it to the collection of principles for building electronic circuits.
- Draw the block diagram of the device that implements the principle and add it to the collection of block diagrams of devices.
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