Are shoes comparable to capacitors if receiving electric shock from one lead?

 I answered this SE EE question a few days ago.

My answer

OP said: "Are our shoes/wooden floor/concrete like a capacitor which can conduct AC?"

Yes, they can be considered as a capacitor with negligible capacitance.

OP said: "Is there current flow between the ground of the secondary..."

The isolation transformer is connected with the idea of ​​not being connected to the ground.

My comments

  1. @Niels, I've touched the line with my bare hand with shoes on and stepped on a wooden floor... I even made a video... but I don't recommend it for beginners. If you do decide to do it, hold your other hand behind your back.
  2. @Hearth, I hid the link to the video from my students and promised to show them when they become engineers :-) 
