Circuit Fantasia
I started this interactive site in 2002. I created most of pages by means of Macromedia Flash (now Adobe). Unfortunately, in 2021, Adobe stopped Flash Player. However, there is still a way to watch Flash movies - this is the Ruffle Flash emulator. You can add their extension to your browser (see also another explanation). Or, worse, you can download the exe files below; they have an embedded Flash Player.
You can use the list of links below to navigate at least between the html pages.
How to Understand, Present and Invent Electronic Circuits
Creation shows how I created my philosophy Flash
My philosophy is a short history of my "life-work"
Examples of inventing tells how I revealed the secret of op-amp inverting circuits in four steps
Product description is a table of contents of the web site
Penetrations shows my great circuit insights Flash
Papers is a list of my materials published until 2006
Wikipedia is a list of my Wikipedia contributions (until 2006)
Circuit Stories on the Whiteboard
Main list of circuit stories (understanding, building and inventing)
Tutorials Flash
Build to understand circuits (uncompleted)
Introduction reveals the philosophy of this novel approach in electronics education,
Table of contents Part 1. In the kingdom of electricity (passive circuits)
Unit 1-1 (Voltage causes current) introduces the first most elementary building blocks
Strange Things can be Put in the Feedback Loop (after Tom Hayes's Student Manual) builds over a dozen op-amp circuits with a disturbance put into the feedback loop
Collections Flash
Heuristic tools
Basic principles
Peripherial blocks
Time-dependent circuits with:
Current output
Voltage output
Current input and output
Voltage input and output
Circuits without negative feedback
Circuits with negative feedback is based on the powerful "active copy" principle (e.g. negative feedback):
Evolving followers presents circuits in the following order -- non-disturbed -> disturbed -> deliberately disturbed -> varying disturbed,
Interacting NFB systems shows that like people in society negative feedback systems may interact, for example
aiding each other or
opposing each other
aiding & opposing
Modified circuits
Circuits with positive feedback
Circuits is hierarchically organized old circuit classification
List of circuits html
Circuit library html
Examples of passive building blocks: Flash
I-to-V converter creates the opposite current-to-voltage converter
Passive summer builds the compound passive resistive summer
Active summer transmutes the passive summer into an active one
Circuit Questions & Answers
All questions contains "ordinary" questions about circuits
Paradoxes of circuits is another part of the site started in September 2003 where I show the great paradoxes and absurds in electronic circuits
Circuit Conflicts
Building schemes
My students
Spring, 2004
(Click the image to go to this part or click download exe to download an executable file)
Home page
Elementary circuit building blocks
Circuit tutorials
Build to understand circuits (intro) (download exe) |
Build to understand circuits (unit 1) (download exe) |
Circuit builders
Op-amp inverting circuit builder (download exe) |
Strange things can be put into NFB loop (download exe) |
Inductive differentiator (download exe) |
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