How does the current and voltage stabilize in a differential amplifier?
This is my answer to the SE EE question about the famous "long-tailed pair". -------------------- Basic idea It can be revealed at а functional level by equivalent electrical circuits. In this brilliant circuit solution initially called with the figurative name "long-tailed pair", a total of three sources - two voltage and one current - interact like living beings. In some cases they help each other and in others they oppose each other like people in the game tug of war . Implementation The two voltage sources are implemented by the source followers Q1 and Q2. The current source (or, more precisely speaking, current sink ) is implemented by another transistor (not shown in the OP's circuit). So these sources are not actually true sources (producing power) but dynamic resistors that only regulate voltage and current (see more about this approach in another related question and answer of mine). Conceptual circuit To simulate the circuit, actually we have to...